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How do you reconcile the good, the bad and the ugly when they rear their heads every bloody day of the week. Unconsciously I've lead my life of adulthood and parenting like my radio shows. It wasn't all about moods, though they did play a large part in the music choices. The show was a dialog, either with the larger group of people listening, or with a guy or myself. I played everything under the sun, and often was asked to explain the choices or defend them when they seemed to unusual for the venue. I naively thought that I could do what ever I wanted on the radio, within FCC standards of course, I angered the fellow I apprenticed with by playing the Fall . It was a 7" with tons of foul words. I philosophized on everything political, social and personal and I said, did and wore a lot of stupid shit. The problem I have is that it's all still in place. Every morning I wake with a hangover of too much of myself and all of my accoutrements, my mind, mouth and body. Cheers.
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