
Friday, May 19, 2006

marcel marceau

Perhaps somewhat lumpy teenagers who are participating in a choral concert should not have to wear ill fitting white shirts and black pants. The spectacle was something to behold but it was a little easier on the eyes than when Jake had a concert in 8th grade and the "girls" chorus walked out with their individual ideas of appropriate concert wear and it was like an episode of any late night hbo show.
Gus was one of the featured singers last night he had this line; "cause there may be times when you think you lost your mind" from the song Ease on Down the Road , and he did a fine job of it. Oh, but the commitment of the choral instructors, faced with the two toned bored looking adolescents whom at the beginning of the year thought choir was a good idea, and by May were a completely new species . Performance is an odd structuring of relations. Okay I'm up here now on a stage which separates me from ordinary people, until the lights come on.


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