
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We can start

Everything is what it is, there is not much more I can say about trying to sway the world outside of my head.
I've been listening to Change Your Brain Change Your Life, it's actually not an audio book but one of the seminars after the book was published.
Though I know what the author, Dr. Amen looks like, he sounds just like Dennis Miller so that's whom I picture talking.
Regardless of the image I am insistent on, the stuff that matters is a very basic paradigm and that is, to get a scan of the brain to determine what the underlying issues of behavior are.
It makes a lot of sense.
I'm not taking it at face value on a total level, but what I do like is that his approach is balanced, as in nutrition, supplements, meditation, exercise and then medication for those who really need it.
I wish that I could have taken advantage of his programs when Jake was little, if only it had existed and we could have managed, and accepted so much more than we were able with the limited information and or alternative avenues.
Meanwhile, I listen to his explanations of behavior and it's basis and I realize, that everything is what it is, either outside or in.


Blogger Unknown said...

Good Afternoon-

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Bill Smith

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