
Monday, August 04, 2008

This is the dawning

Eamon's Aunt is here from down under, outside of Perth. She and her husband are traveling across the US and parts of Canada visiting family and friends, seeing the sights and stopping to make people such as myself extremely jealous.
I have come back to Cleveland, willingly, I will add for clarity, four times from exotic locals that I could have made an effort or at least an attempt to stay. England, California, twice and Japan. So, why then did I keep coming back here, it's not the stimulation factor or the desire to be near family as I have none living in the area. It has to be because on levels that I can not protest, it feels like home and other places just don't.
We are planning on traveling abroad next year and in two or so to live where the sun is a common sight. However for now, I am trying to visit the origin of these connections and why the city that I mumble quietly, when asked where I live, is where I call home.


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