
Friday, August 01, 2008

Of a different kind

My husband is brilliant, damn him! It's annoying only because it's subtle, he's no Stuart shouting "look at me, look at me!" That would be my approach. He just has both the ability to let things slide into view and an intimate knowledge of the art of patience.

A few days ago, file under the heading of; I'm going to react calmly to Jacob having his girlfriend in his room; unfortunately, Jake didn't go along with my plan so I told him to leave. Yes yet again, I've abandoned my child .

Late in the evening of that day, after much hand wringing, I finally decided to talk to Eamon about it and of course, because he is who he is, he already knew and had talked to Jake about interceding on his behalf.

The other topic that he emblazoned his wisdom regarding is the challenge of obsessive thoughts and how even if you are used to them, at times, it just becomes all encompassing, hence the OCD intervention. He suggested, and I've had a handle on this before but never put it quite so succinctly, that when you manage to put something into check, or "get a patch", you find yourself unconsciously redirected to another issue with machine like precision.


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