
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hope in my past

I don't know who I am right now, except maybe for a cliche, and that squared might sum it up.
Jack is on a road trip, and Gus is in a college level math program at a local university, that has him stay in the dorm for six weeks. So empty nest syndrome is my name, but not even in the way it's supposed to be, where gradually your children leave one by one and you can have time to adjust.
The day my entire family left here, that is fourteen people; is when both boys started their adventures, and so it was a bit abrupt, and the last few days have had me paying for it, with kind of a lost and sad feel. Not to say, I won't get used to the time and chance to work on projects, get various things done and just lollygag, but by that time, life will have returned to normal or some such facsimile.


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