
Sunday, November 04, 2007

Take a small example

Needy has taken on a a newer meaning for me, as in everyone around me and then some. Regardless of how much I think I give to my family and friends, apparently I can always give up some more of whatever I had in the first place. But, I really can't; these are dangerous times for me, the person who can't say no with any ease. What I can do is act out in a way that will be self destructive or not very healthy. I feel as though I'm being pulled in many directions and I'm not as flexible as I used to be so the end result is not pretty. Indeed though to be part of any picture is a good thing, it keeps me viable of course and the go-to. I would complain with equal gusto if I had nothing to do and meant little to others, and I do realize that and have a greater sense beyond these moments of difficulty but within this dynamic, I get all worked up and nothing quite seems right or done well or with any sense of completion or competence.


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