
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Make a mess of your conviction

I'm having my 20th year anniversary of being super sick and out of whack and, of Eamon seeing me through it. I've learned, that the best part of being delirious enough to genuinely enjoy this movie and being sad when it was over is both sort of scary and kind of nutty.
Back in the day, it was a bout of Mono, now it's undefinable, but also very similar. When Eamon and I first got together, it was a tumultuous time. It was sloppy and chaotic but we saw it through and ended up here, twenty years later, still sloppy and chaotic but not stormy. So, I'm working on the depression/allergy connection and in my case, the allergy that leads to all sorts of weird ailment phenom.
The ebb and flow of mood for many of the men in my life, comes to a sort of breaking point around late October and then again in April. Gus is the only one of us that exhibits seasonal allergies in an obvious way, but he also gets into a horrible funk , just as my father had done. So it's been a good 40 years of being at the mercy of genetic predisposition and random attempts at solutions. I think my folks moved to California in hopes of suppressing some of those issues and it seems to have been successful. Have I bought a ticket for the Gusser? Not yet, I'll try and sort him out here as I don't want to start a trend.


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