
Sunday, October 08, 2006

In the stillness

I think about what it is like to be in a coma, I had been looking at a book review of a biography of Ariel Sharon; and was trying to remember if he was still in one. What is that in between world like, does it consist of dreams and or any form of consciousness that can't always be detected with brain function.
When I was young I used to get sick with respiratory infections and the sort.
I recently had looked at my medical records dating back to when I was two and the average came at me once a month for many years. Anyway, with a fever there is often that dream/awake/delirious time that is kind of scary but deep as well. Or, do people go elsewhere and travel sort of on another plain. I'm not saying that there is a reason to be convinced that one is anything other than in a state of comatose, but our brains provide such a rich variety of possible scenarios, I suspect anything is possible.


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