
Monday, April 21, 2014

I'm looking from the outside

There is something about Easter that brings out the worst in me.  In theory, it should be a holiday , not unlike Passover, that marks Spring, the rebirth, the beginning, a clean start of sorts.  Yet, for some reason, I have a tendency to feel sour about this one.
It may be because when Eamon and I were separated years ago, it was the first official holiday he had the children, and I was left to celebrate my alone time, moping around. Though that was the way I chose  to spend it, the day had a powerful effect on me regarding what my life was really about at that time.
Jacob and Jack were here with us yesterday,  Gus is nearing graduation, so he was unable to come into town.  It was a beautiful day, made even more so by a visit to the Poor Clare’s (whom I originally called the Sad Clare's) Chapel, one of the most peaceful and beautiful places I’ve ever been.  Most of that, I think is because it is run by the Sisters.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh that sentimental anarchy gets us every time. The emotional memory that lingers in the muscles and breaks to the surface, no matter how long it has been, with just the right elements of the season (sun, flowers, dates). Spring has shown challenging for me as well. Others struggle through September. We just muscle through.

11:53 AM  

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