
Sunday, May 20, 2007

And the big black birds gathered in the sky

I can be impulsive and at times stupid, but when I manage to access those two facets at the same time, that's when I know it's going to leave a mark. I have done it in the past, when I was pregnant with Jake and we were casually looking for a new vehicle, there was a car dealership selling off repossessed trucks, and giving away hot dogs and pop; needless to say we drove out of there with a pickup truck with jump seats which is not the best choice when you're becoming a starter family, but hey the dogs were smokin good.
Recently, I've noticed that because things are seemingly on a comfortable plain, I'm unconsciously looking for a way to sabotage the relative ease of the day. So, I've caught myself when I thought I would add a yard sale to this next week when Bill and I have walls to paint and other various jobs to finish up, but there is always that need or desire to fuck things up just a little; it's lurking along the edges, and as we know with age the peripheral vision goes first, so any minute I should be bringing home a new dog.


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