
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Of life's inner meaning

Talking about personal issues in a public venue can be disconcerting but it's also cathartic or the 50 trillion bloggers wouldn't be spilling it online every day.
It's a fine line (pun alert) to not reveal so much information that you are really just being an egotist. There are other people involved so taking that into consideration is perhaps going to deter full out balls to the wall honesty, or not.
Depression runs in my family, and not just the blood relation side. It rears it's enormous fat and ugly head and I'm reminded once again how difficult winter is going to be, how it's a struggle to be up and Patridge family happy in the face of darkness that surrounds me in both a physical and metaphoric state.
Oddly enough a minor cure for this is to take a walk, especially in the metroparks not far from our home.. But if you're me as a added bonus, you'll step in dog shit right when you got fooled into thinking things might be okay.


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