
Sunday, April 23, 2006


I went to see V for Vendetta last night. Now, I know there's a bunch of controversy about the movie and that Alan Moore was more than displeased with the screenplay (which he found simplistic), as well as the outcome of the film. But even with all of the, or lack thereof, artistic representation and vision, the movie has to be appreciated for the powerful kick to the head. There is only one other movie that I had to wait for the emotional seat belt to dissipate before I could get up from my seat in the theater and that was Harold and Maude, which I'd seen previous, but for some reason after that viewing, I was paralyzed.
What did V for Vendetta do? It summed up the last six or seven years of our lives here in this world of ours. Perhaps there were a few too many Phantom of the opera-y scenes but really, when you are faced, in a 132 minute time span, with the reality of a world gone way wrong, it can be a bit unsettling.
I was reminded of the Cymothoa Exigua, which has actually been on my mind since I first read about it in March. This parasite does not only feed off of it's host, but it actually consumes the tongue and replaces it with it's own body. Coincidence, I think not.


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