
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Before the clouds appear

I am going to try and reconcile the bad things that happen in my home by channeling someone else. It's going to be a cheesy touchy feely kind of thing, but what it's going to provide is a starting point for a hopefully more peaceful environment.
The thing is, is that we all know it works and the other stuff doesn't. But, the rational place we can find ourselves in when there is nothing tugging at our emotions, is a very different place compared to what it feels like when you find that someone has broken another door, or punched another brother, or even gone on your laptop which is verboten beyond verbotentown.
Jake doesn't see me as someone who has any legitimacy and for some reason, and I can't quite put my finger on why, but it really bothers me.
So, the solution for dealing with him is to meet him on his own terms, use the skills he has learned and subsequently discarded, and watch the short circuit magic.


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